How Many Times A Day Should A Well Pump Run

How Many Times A Day Should A Well Pump Run?

If you own a well, it is important to understand how often your water pump should be running. A good rule of thumb is that the pump should run for about 15 to 20 minutes each day in order to maintain healthy pressure levels and keep the system running efficiently, I can recommend that you use the Goulds JS10S well pump as a reliable and efficient water pumping system commonly used for residential and small-scale commercial applications..

Factors That Affect Well Pump UsageFactors That Affect Well Pump Usage

The amount of time a well pump should run each day may vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The size of the well and associated water usage needs
  • Whether or not there are irrigation systems connected to the well
  • The type of well pump being used
  • Local climate and weather conditions

Tips for Optimizing Well Pump Usage

To determine the optimal amount of time for your well pump to run each day, consider the following tips:

  • Monitor water pressure levels during peak usage hours – High use times may require more frequent running times. Additionally, pay attention to any drops in pressure that indicate a need for additional pumping.
  • Adjust flow rate when possible – If your well is able to adjust the flow rate, you may be able to reduce run times by lowering the pressure level.
  • Invest in water-saving appliances and fixtures – By investing in water-efficient appliances and fixtures, you can lower your overall demand for water from your well and therefore decrease pump running times.

What happens if you run a well pump too long?What happens if you run a well pump too long?

Running a well pump for too long can put more strain on the system and cause the motor to wear out faster. Additionally, running it for too long could lead to higher energy bills because you are using more electricity to power the pump than necessary.

It is important to understand how often your well pump should run in order to maintain healthy water pressure levels and keep your system running efficiently. If you are unsure of how much time your well pump needs to run, consult a professional for assistance.  With the right advice and proactive maintenance, you can ensure your well pump is running at its optimal efficiency.


It is important to understand how often your well pump should be running in order to maintain healthy pressure levels and keep the system running efficiently. By monitoring water pressure levels, adjusting flow rate when possible, and investing in water-saving appliances and fixtures, you can reduce pump running times and optimize your well’s performance.

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